Kaleb played his second football game of the season yesterday. They won 36-0. He loves football. I hope he sticks with it.
I took a 2 hour nap on Saturday afternoon. It reminded me how much I love sleeping. I think I would accomplish so much more everyday if I wasn't so exhausted all the time. So much to do all the time and never enough time or energy to accomplish it.
Saturday night, I went to my good friend, Kristen's, house. I love talking to her. She gives me perspective on life. She's a great friend and I'll always consider myself fortunate and lucky to have her. Everyone needs 1 good friend that they can confide in.
Today was spend catching up on a paper that is 4 months overdue. I took an incomplete in a class. Only one paper left to complete the class. I need to finish it today. The class is just so boring and time consuming. The class is "Documentation in Social Work Services." Very, very boring. If I don't finish the paper by tomorrow, I will have to pay my Tution Assistance back and that would really suck. Doesn't help that I'm a god-awful procrastinator.
Going this week to see the dentist about getting a snore guard. I snore horribly. I officially do not have sleep apnea, but it doesn't change the fact that I snore enough to keep Dave awake.